(minimum of 5 games started)
Pts P GM : Name : # of Starts
2.20 : Cole Grossman 5
2.10 : Carlos Mendes 10
1.89 : Dilly Duka 9
1.80 : Danny O´Rourke 10
1.80 : Bernardo Anor 5*
1.75 : Jairo Obando Arrieta 8
1.60 : Emilio Renteria 15
1.58 : Joshua Williams 19
1.57 : Sebastián Miranda 23
1.50 : Andy Gruenebaum 24
1.50 : Eddie Gaven 24
1.50 : Shaun Francis 6**
Performing Below Team Average (1.50)
1.40 : Chris Birchall 10
1.33 : Justin Meram 9
1.31 : Chad Marshall 16
1.30 : Nemanja Vukovic 10
1.25 : Milovan Mirosevic 16
1.17 : Olman Vargas 6
1.14 : Eric Gehrig 7
1.08 : Tony Tchani 12
Not enough starts
3.00 : Federico Higuaín 2
1.50 : Julius James 2
1.33 : Ethan Finlay 3
1.00 : Kevan George 4
1.00 : Aaron Schoenfeld 3
1. TEN to FIFTEEN Starts and Positive Results
This particular metric becomes meaningful / reliable after 10 starts. O'Rourke and Mendes, when in the lineup, will help the team win. Mendes, in particular, has been impressive here. Only 1 loss in 10 starts.
2. FIVE to TEN is a Trend
Cole, Duka and Arrieta are trending the right way. When I see players pass that 5 start mark, I take notice.
3. SIXTEEN+ Starts, Driver's Seat
Any player with this many starts is controlling the overall team's results. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out the rest of the year as there are a couple players way down the list that shouldn't be.
4. While an important metric, points earned per game is just one measurement among many.
* Anor is out for the rest of the year
** Francis was dropped mid-season
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